The Magna View Gonio Laser Lenses were designed for anterior chamber observation and photocoagulation
procedures that offer increased detail when examining the trabecular meshwork.
These lenses provide the clearest and sharpest image available of any gonioscopy lens.
The 62° mirror provides the best image of the gonio available.
A special lid flange on the OMVGLF, OMV2GF and OMVGLF-1.5X renders the lens resistant to rejection by
the squeezing patient.
The second mirror on the OMV2G and OMV2GF lenses reduce the amount of lens rotation needed to view the total 360° of the anterior chamber.
The high magnification of the OMV2G, OMV2GF, OMVGL-1.5X and OMVGLF-1.5X gonioscopy lenses
provide fine detailed viewing of the anterior chamber angle structure and are excellent lenses for detailed high resolution digital and traditional photography.
The Laserlight® HD anti-reflective coating on the anterior of OMV2G, OMV2GF, OMVGL-1.5X and
OMVGLF-1.5X gonioscopy lenses provides maximum light transmission and image brightness.
The OMVGL-1.5X and OMVGLF-1.5X designs utilize an all glass prism for increased clarity.
OMVG200, OMVGF200 & OMVG200-2 lenses feature seven stair steps in high contrast white imaged at
approximately 200um.
No methylcellulose is required during routine eye examinations on the OMVG200-2 style lens.
OMVGL-IR & OMVGLF-IR lenses incorporate an ergonomic rotating feature that greatly improves rotational
control while eliminating the need for two handed adjustments.
OMVGLK-2-IR lens design features 200 & 400um geometric steps to approximate the Scheie and Spaeth Angle Grading Systems. In addition, the six bar color pallet approximates the Scheie and Spaeth degree of pigmentation of the angle.
OMVGLK-2-IR lens incorporates the Max360 rotating feature.